With that first class in mind, the Kentucky Community & Technical College System has posted staff positions for two instructors at the Kentucky School of Bluegrass & Traditional Music, to be housed at the Hazard Community & Technical College in Hazard, KY. Both are full time (10 month) faculty positions. Applications are being accepted now, and will continue to be reviewed (starting March 1) until both vacancies are filled.
The official posting lists the position as follows:
Responsible for instruction in all general areas of Bluegrass & Traditional Music with emphasis on Instrumental Technique, Studio/Sound Recording and Enhancement and Music Business & Marketing. Must be able to teach individual group lessons as well as facilitate and organize workshops and seminars. Must be willing to balance the demands of full-time instructor with any professional touring or recording activities. (It is expected that such activities will generally take place during the summer months.)
Qualifications: Applicants should be "creative workers" (educator, song writer, performer, music producer, etc.) and well known, trusted and respected in the music community and/or larger Bluegrass community. Must possess a Masters degree in a field of music or performance and higher education teaching experience or an extensive career as a professional musician. Qualified candidates will exhibit excellent skills in one or more of the following areas (please specify proficiency and include evidence of musical expertise along with application): Instrumental Performance and Instruction on Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Fiddle, Bass and Resophonic Guitar; Bluegrass and/or Traditional Music Vocals-Lead and Harmony Structure; Songwriting; Studio Recording (Engineering and In-Studio Techniques) and Music Business such as small business management, copyright law etc. Qualified candidates will possess business character, strong work ethic and passion for music. Demonstrated excellence in oral communication will be required. Experience in similar programs and schools helpful.
Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Minimum salary $38,000.
Signed KCTCS applications should be directed to:
Hazard Community & Technical College
One Community College Drive
Hazard, KY 41701
606-439-4305 (fax)
A KCTCS faculty application can be downloaded as a PDF file.