Now that Dixie Hall has gone on to her reward, her many friends in and around Nashville feel less constrained about sharing the love and admiration they feel for her. While she was with us, Miss Dixie would have considered it “making a fuss” to hear folks go on about her kindness and generosity, or the remarkable fondness she had for bluegrass music and the people who make it.
Not to mention her prodigious talents as a songwriter and entrepreneur.
Now, three of her dear friends have written and recorded a song about her that captures both a bit about her life, and the joy they all took in knowing Sweet Miss Dixie Deen. It was written by Rebekah Long, who had worked for Dixie and Tom T. Hall for the past 4 years, until Miss Dixie’s health precluded her working any longer, with the assistance of Donna Ulisse and her husband, Rick Stanley.
Rebekah says that the song came as soon as she learned that her mentor was gone.
“I started the lyrics driving in the car not long after I was told about Dixie passing. We finished it up at Donna’s Songwriting Escape workshop in Flagler Beach, Florida. As soon as we got back we went into the studio with Scott Vestal, Mike Bub, Kenny Smith, Jason Carter, and Sterling Abernathy.”
That’s what Dixie Hall inspired among her friends. Not three weeks after her death, a new song is written, recorded, and online for our edification and enjoyment.
It is available now for download purchase, and radio programmers can get a copy through Airplay Direct.
Sweet Miss Dixie Deen will also appear on Rebekah’s upcoming album.