Sicard Hollow in Kansas City, MO

Sicard Hollow

Sicard Hollow at The RINO in Kansas City (2/10/24) – photo © Allison Scavo

This report is a contribution from Allison Scavo of Scavo’s Photos.

Sicard Hollow is an upbeat funk bluegrass band with dips into almost punk rock. The groovy bass solos provide a sense of individuality that most other bluegrass bands don’t include.

This newgrass psychadelic jam band has high peaks of excitedly fast rhythms, but never lowering the energy. Covering Friends in Low Places, Sicard Hollow gained the crowd’s undivided attention prior to singing about political and religious accountability. Their version of Raleigh and Spencer sent me personally into a frenzy.

It’s no surprise that Sicard Hollow is leaving for tour to open for Dopapod. This talented act is not to be missed.

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