They played their entire October 31 show in Tompkinsville, KY in full KISS makeup and wigs, and Tim said that they had a blast! Barry Scott & Second Wind was also on the bill, but they didn’t have a chance.
Tim explains how their alter-ego evolved…
“I was always a KISS fan growing up, and one of the guys at our new management company used to work with KISS, and it just seemed like it would be fun.
Me and Joe did our own makeup, and and Joe’s wife Rachel did Josh and Jamey’s.”
I think this may be a first… a bluegrass band, done up as KISS, playing Little Maggie.
On a more serious note, Shelton said that things were really coming together for NewFound Road right now, and all the guys are excited about 2010. They have a new booking agency (The Roots Agency) and the aforementioned management (Entertainment Services), not to mention a new CD and music video.
“Entertainment Services is run by two guys, Larry Mazer and Harvey Leeds, who have many, many years of experience in the music business. We are their first bluegrass clients. Larry used to manage KISS, and Harvey worked at Epic and Sony during the Michael Jackson hey day.
When we signed with The Roots Agency, they started sending our CD around to stir up a buzz, and I got a text from them one night saying that a couple of major players in the entertainment industry were pretty excited about the new album. The text said that they would call me in the morning to talk about it, and I was like ‘No way… I want to know about this now!’
Tim said that he knew who Larry Mazer was from reading KISS books during his fan days, and after Googling Harvey Leeds, he was sure that these two could really help the band take it to the next level.
“They have gotten us signed with a huge agency in Europe for international dates, and are working with an artist from way outside of bluegrass who will be doing a traditional, rootsy album with hints of grass. We will be getting together with them next year to write some and hope that it will turn into something.”
I suggested that they may have started a trend with the KISS makeup…
“This might become an annual thing – each year would be better and better!”