Mac & Wichita

Mac Wiseman has been a little out of pocket lately due to a broken leg, but after his doctor gave him an “all clear” report, he called up his buddy Wichita Rutherford.

Mac called and asked if I would give him a ride to Cracker Barrel for breakfast… So we went to Cracker Barrel… and to 1947, to 1956, to 1985, to 1963, to 1997, to 1936, to…

In other words Mac was Wichita’s co-host aboard The Grand Old Time Machine this past weekend. He sounded good and seemed to be having a blast hanging out with Wichita and playing some great music.

If you missed it over the weekend, it’s about to come on again. Each week The Grand Old Time Machine airs Fridays at 9pm Eastern and Saturday night at 12, then the following Tuesday at 3PM Eastern.

So tune in to Sirius/XM this afternoon and get yourself a little Mac & Wichita!

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