It was written by John Thomas, inspired by a photograph he discovered that showed several dozen women posed in front of the Gibson factory in Kalamzoo, MI. Like many others, he had believed that Gibson built no guitars during the war, something the company had long put forward as the official line, until shipping records from the time proved otherwise.
With so many young men away at war, and much of the Gibson plant given over to wartime production, the company hired local women to build guitars and turn out aircraft parts for the war effort.
The book includes large doses of historical detail about Gibson, starting with founder Orville Gibson’s birth in 1856, through to the WWII era that forms its primary storyline. Thomas’ research turned up records of at least 9,000 guitars shipped from Kalamazoo during the war, along with the remembrances of the women that built them for the book.
Kalamazoo Gals is available from major bookstores and online retailers. A web site is available with more information about the book, and its companion CD, online.