With this morning’s news about Mike Rogers taking up with Doyle Lawson, the question arises… “but what about Jason Leek?” And who better to answer that question thatn Jason himself, who shares this update.
“Late in the year of 2005 Barry Scott, then with Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver, called me about starting his own band. Shortly after that, we came together and formed the band Barry Scott and Second Wind. Our debut album, In God’s Time, was nominated for a Grammy in 2010 and that’s something we are very proud of! Also for this album, I had the privilege of recording with Vince Gill, which was definitely a highlight in my life! I really enjoyed my time with Barry, but in November of 2009 I left Second Wind to join Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver. I felt like this was an important move to further my career. While with Doyle, I had the privilege of recording an all Gospel DVD and an all Gospel CD, Light On My Feet, Ready to Fly. I played a lot of really fun shows with Doyle, made a lot of great friends and established a relationship with a lot of people who I consider very successful and influential in the music industry.
In March of 2010, Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver had the opportunity to record with Paul Simon. I sang on two songs for his upcoming album and just like Vince, this too was a highlight in my career.
I really enjoyed playing with Doyle; he is truly a legend and a great boss! I feel so honored to have been part of Quicksilver, but September the 5th of 2010 was my last show with them. I will be joining back up with Barry Scott and Second Wind. After several meetings, Barry and I have decided to become business partners. Over the past 5 years, I feel like I have gained a lot of knowledge about the music industry and I will be working very hard to help handle the business side of things. We are currently filling the positions that were opened when the former members of Second Wind decided to step out and pursue their own band. I consider them good friends and we wish them the best! For the names of the new members of Second Wind and further information, please visit www.barryscottonline.com.
Barry and I are very excited about the future and new direction of Second Wind and we are looking forward to seeing all of you very soon!!”