John, Vickie and all of The Chapmans soon saw their joy turn to grave concern as when it became clear that Kylie had suffered complications that required an emergency C-section and a flight to a hospital where she could receive specialized treatment.
Fortunately, she came through just fine and is growing strong and healthy at home with her family.
A video has been posted on The Chapman’s web site, Chap-TV, which chronicles the family’s ordeal, and the final very happy ending. Mixing still and video footage, it offers a personal glimpse of the nearly two weeks between Kylie’s birth and her homecoming. Fans and friends of the band will find solace and comfort in this poignant presentation, as will anyone who can identify with this sort of family health crisis.
It stars former bass player Jamey Booher (now with Grasstowne) and is not to be missed.
To see the videos, just visit, click the Chap-TV link, and scroll horizontally to find the various clips.