So far I just love the place. Everyone I meet is completely nice and helpful and laid back. It is a really big festival with lots of activities in tents all happening at once, a nice variety of vendors, and ample choices for food. There are plenty of meat as well as veggie options of many kinds. A couple different fancy coffee stands with really long named fancy drinks with “…cinno” on the end etc. Real fruit smoothies, and a whole ice cream parlor booth. Food vendors seem to generally stay open until midnight too, which all you festival goers know is a great thing, and one gets to change their boring old American currency for the fun loving “bluegrass bucks” or “Funny Money” as they call it here.
I really love that they also offer scholarships toward college for 2-5 deserving kids each year who want to attend music schools. From their past recipients many have gone on to become well respected professional musicians. The Scholarship Fund is called the Bill Vernon Memorial Scholarship Fund (Bill would love that).
Another difference here is that they anyone camping in the festival is basically entered into best campsite contests and the Greenest campsite contest. Grey Fox makes is very easy to recycle everywhere, which is a nice touch. As I understand it, whomever wins the “greenest campsite award will get 2 free tickets to next year’s festival.
People also take pride in their campsites in other ways too. Having only been here one day, I am sure I will have some follow up on campsites decor and activities. The campground has designated and labeled Quiet Camping areas, and then the normal all night party areas. Some vendors are conveniently located right down in the campground area too, with others up on top of the hill with the main stage.
Oh yes, and one would not want to forget… there is even music to watch here too!
Here are some fun video links from the Kelller Williams and the Travelin McCouries Show. They picked really hilarious songs for the most part and had a great time with them and played them hot enough to melt a few faces.
What festival goer has not met interesting people in festival lines? Here is a Keller Williams song capturing beatifully the concept of meeting your baby in the port-o-potty line. Just goes to show you that one maybe ought not whine about things, but see the glass as half full.
Hmm. Big line for the bathrooms, or the food, etc… I wonder what way cool person I could be about to meet?