At the time he was decorating the fencing around a commercial property belonging to the House of Blues Studio with images of some of the greats of music in Berry Hill, TN. There he painted portraits of Flatt & Scruggs, Bill Monroe, Ralph Stanley, George Jones, Hank Williams, and others in his larger than life format.
His latest project is a set of 4′ x 5′ acrylic (on canvas) portraits for a special events room at the Ascend Amphitheater, an outdoor concert venue on the Cumberland River in Nashville’s SoBro neighborhood. Included are images of Dolly Parton and Alison Krauss, along with B.B. King and Johnny Cash.
Scott said it was a pleasure to paint these two legendary ladies of bluegrass.
“Parton and Krauss are two of my favorite artists, and I am honored to have been able to represent them.”
You can see more of his portraits online.