As many of you know, we were set to convert Bluegrass Today over to this new platform last week, but as zero hour approached, our IT team pulled the plug. During final, pre-launch load testing they discovered a couple of seemingly innocuous issues that could affect future stability, and strongly cautioned that we correct everything before going live.
The proper course of action was to rewrite code as needed, and to ensure that the platform is bulletproof and completely stable, we are doing one last top-to-bottom review.
All of us are very excited about this greatly expanded site, and can’t wait for you to see it. That includes my new partner Terry Herd and myself, IT wizard Eric Tapp, our harried development team, and a dozen or more correspondents champing at the bit to get started.
We are confident that all conceivable questions will be resolved, with a launch no later than September 23. Until then, we’ll be here on Bluegrass Today.