Programs eligible for these grants, as described by the Foundation, will…
…support educational, literary and artistic activities related to bluegrass music, of public benefit. Examples of programs that can grow under this umbrella include Bluegrass in the Schools (grants, workshops, programs); academic conferences; literary works and related efforts; public artistic presentation of an educational nature; historic preservation; and other works of a charitable nature.
A special consideration is given to programs and opportunities to benefit young people.
The Foundation was created in 2007 in response to a sizable donation from a major supporter of bluegrass music, and while sharing office space with the IBMA, is separately chartered and managed by its own board. It continues to award these grants through ongoing donations from people eager to see its mission succeed.
Applications for the 2014 grants must be received by June 30, 2013. Awards will be announced during the World of Bluegrass convention this Fall, and funds will be available after January 1, 2014.
More details and an application form can be found online.