Incorporated within the Pioneer Music Museum in Anita, IA, is located America’s Old Time Country Music Hall of Fame, a project of the National Traditional Country Music Association. Founded in 1976 with a wide-ranging induction of “nearly everyone of national stature involved with traditional country, bluegrass, or old-time music,” the AOTCMHOF seeks out not only performers worthy of this distinction, but also those involved in broadcast, promotion, production and various support ventures in the realm of traditional country, old time and bluegrass music.
Each year’s inductees are nominated by existing Hall Of Fame members, and there are a number of bluegrass figures who will be received in 2006. In addition to such country luminaries as Jim Ed Brown and Johnny Horton, bluegrass singer/songwriter Larry Cordle and The Johnny Vincent Family (including Rhonda) will be inducted during the 31st National Old Time Bluegrass N’ Country Festival August 28-Sept 3 in Missouri Valley, IA.
Kirk Brandenberger of Prime Cuts Of Bluegrass is also on this year’s list.
Find details about the Hall Of Fame and the festival by visiting the National Traditional Country Music Association’s web site.