We posted earlier this week with a banjo sighting on Fox Television's smash hit, American Idol. Now comes word from Phil Leadbetter, reso-man with Grasstowne, about the appearance of one of his signature Dobro guitars on the show. The Leadbetter model
The Clark Brothers
The Clark Brothers emerge victorious!
We interrupt our Christmas programming for this final NGAB report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. The family
Final round in NGAB tonight
Tonight (12/21) is the final show in Fox's Next Great American Band competition, and as we have been chronicling this past few weeks, The Clark Brothers are in the running for the big prize. While not strictly a bluegrass act,
Top Three for the Clarks
This report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. The Clark Brothers will definitely be either first, second,
Final Four: The Clarks made it!
This report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. We're getting down to the final stretch on Next Great
Clark Brothers continue to wow
This report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. The Clark Brothers delivered another truly outstanding performance on last
Closeout for Cliff, Clarks continue
This report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. Bluegrass got the boot last night when Cliff Wagner and
Still Hanging in There! – NGAB Week 5
This report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. Next Great American Band on Friday night held the
Round 4 success for Bluegrassers on NGAB
This report comes from Casey Henry, a banjo player and writer living in Nashville, TN. She performed the past few years with her brother, Chris, in The Two Stringers, now disbanded. They made it! Both Cliff Wagner and the Old #7
Next Great American Band tonight
If your Friday evening plans will find you in front of a television screen, perhaps you will want to tune in to tonight's edition of The Next Great American Band on Fox. Casey Henry has been keeping us up-to-date