• DelFest 2014 report

    The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. Maya Angelou National holidays in America each have their cultural traditions and specific icons like American Flags, Pumpkins, or

  • Huck Finn festival under new management

    For 37 years, Don and Barbara Tucker had run the Huck Finn Jubilee in south central California on Father's Day weekend. For most of its tenure, their bluegrass festival was held at the Mojave Narrows Regional Park in Victorville, but after Don passed

  • Photos from Jomeokee

    Milo Farineau sent these photos from September's Jomeokee Festival, which combines bluegrass, roots and jamgrass bands over three days near Pinnacle, NC.  

  • Jerry Jams for Rex II

    “Oh, oh, what I want to know is are you kind?” This famous line from the iconic song Uncle John’s Band, can easily be answered ‘Yes’ by the Rex Foundation, started by Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead 27 years

  • A Call to help for Billy Constable

    Anyone familiar with the acoustic music scene of Western NC, or with the music of the legendary Charlie Moore, is no stranger to Billy Constable. In fact, I am not certain Billy encountered many strangers. He is a friend to

  • Nershi-Law tour begins this weekend

    Bill Nershi, he of String Cheese Incident fame, is embarking on a whirlwind tour along with Scott Law, starting on Monday (11/16) in Nashville. They'll do 9 dates in 10 days covering Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and