Lonesome River Band is this weekend's featured guest on Studio Special, the live music and interview show on Bluegrass Junction, airing on XM and Sirius satellite radio. LRB visited the XM Nashville studios recently to talk with host Kyle Cantrell about
New XM charts
The recent merger between XM and Sirius satellite radio has meant a lot of retraining and extra duties for the staff and on-air hosts of Bluegrass Junction, the all-bluegrass channel which now airs on both services. Program Director Kyle Cantrell
Bluegrass news at Sirius/XM
The dust is finally settling after the recent Sirius/XM satellite radio merger, and it appears that nearly all of the familiar voices bluegrass fans have become accustomed to hearing on the two networks have made the cut in the revamped
Sirius Bluegrass on the road… literally
We got a note from Ned Luberecki of Sirius Bluegrass this morning. He's at the Winfield festival, preparing to head home, and he and his Sirius cohort, Chris Jones, plan to shake things up a bit with today's lineup. "At 12 Noon
FCC approves Sirius/XM merger
The last barrier preventing the long proposed merger between satellite radio providers, Sirius and XM, was removed Friday night when the FCC granted approval. The merger will create one satellite provider with a combined subscriber base of 18 million. The approval
Sirius celebrates bluegrass independence
Our friends at Sirius Bluegrass, Chris Jones and Ned Luberecki, have an interesting twist on the US celebration of Independence Day this weekend. Instead of songs with patriotic themes, they will instead feature the music of the many celebrated artists who
Bluegrass radio for June 20
If you'll be near your computer, there are a number of online shows you might want to catch today (6/20). At 11:00 a.m. this morning, Jimmy Gaudreau will join host Carol Beaugard on Lonesome Pine RFD, broadcast from 9:00 a.m. to
Sirius-XM merger one step closer
The Associated Press is reporting that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has announced that he will recommend FCC approval of the proposed merger between the Sirius and XM satellite radio broadcasting companies. From the piece by the AP's John Dunbar: Martin made his
Sirius Bluegrass on the job
Over the last few weeks, we've followed The Infamous Stringdusters on their European tour (final video below), watched weekly excerpts from their latest promotional video and offered readers the chance to win valuable prizes associated with next week's new CD
Labels wary of Sirius/XM merger?
A great many bluegrass fans have embraced satellite radio. In addition to each having nearly 200 channels offering a wide variety of news, music and sports, both XM and Sirius have 24/7 bluegrass music channels produced in house. With the US