Who is the most important in music? The singer, the songwriter or the luthier? All are equally so in this day and age, are they not? Perhaps in terms of books the last group isn’t as well represented as the others.
Randy Wood
Zack Autry receives Randy Wood endorsement
Zack Autry is getting used to being treated like a serious, professional bluegrass musician. The 23 year old mandolinist has been working for several months with the Edgar Loudermilk Band, where he joins his dad, legendary guitarist Jeff Autry on stage. A
Randy’s Pickin’ Parlor LIVE at CPAC
Randy Wood's Pickin' Parlor has been hosting bluegrass and Americana concerts in Bloomingdale, GA for the past few years. Known worldwide as a top luthier and instrument builder for fretted, stringed instruments, Randy has put up a building out behind
Bluegrass in Georgia
We have had an interesting weekend of discovery regarding bluegrass in the great state of Georgia. Friday night we went to a local gem called the Woodbine Opry. They have bluegrass shows on Friday and country music shows on Saturday in the
Randy Wood on Georgia Public Broadcasting
Georgia Public Broadcasting recently featured a short story about luthier Randy Wood. The feature ran on the GPB TV network, but ten minutes of it is now available online via YouTube.com. The ten minute clip shows Randy in his shop building