The Share America Foundation has named Indiana teen Victoria Griffin as the recipient of their Pearl and Floyd Franks Scholarship for 2022. These awards are made to assist young people with an interest in Appalachian music with their college education. Share
Randall Franks
Share America awards Trevor Holder $1,000 scholarship
Trevor Holder receives the 2018 Pearl and Floyd Franks Scholarship from the Share America Foundation, Inc. Dawson Dyer, Earle Wheeler, Trevor Holder, Randall Franks, Will Wheeler, and Mark Wheeler. Trevor Holder, 17, of Ringgold, GA, is the recipient of the 2018 Pearl and
I’m Going Back To Old Kentucky #30
From October 1, 2010 through to the end of September 2011, we will, each day, celebrate the life of Bill Monroe by sharing information about him and those people who are associated with his life and music career. This information