Today's the day... Don't forget to vote in our Bluegrass Today poll to select The President of Bluegrass. We'll keep it open until midnight tonight (PST). At this point, it's neck and neck between Doyle Lawson and Del McCoury, with Doyle starting to
What kind of stories would you like to see at Bluegrass Today?
This week we are asking for your help as we do some refining of the site, and make plans for the next revision. Please let us know what sort of content you would most enjoy seeing on Bluegrass Today. Do you
Where do you typically first hear – or hear about – new music?
Our poll this week asks for your input on new music, specifically how you first become aware of it. Do you hear it on the radio, or at a live show? Do you read about it in a magazine, or online?
Does RollingStone know its Bluegrass?
Does RollingStone know its bluegrass? Take a few minutes to read this article, recently published on the magazine's website, and then answer in our poll. Here's the introduction. It's been more than 60 years since Bill Monroe, the Father of Bluegrass, unleashed
Favorite Bluegrass Recording of 2008
About two weeks ago we ran a poll asking you to submit and vote for your favorite bluegrass recording of 2008. With nearly 900 votes and over 150 submissions, we've narrowed it down to the top ten and we're letting
Thankful for Bluegrass 2008
There are many things to be thankful for on this day of national celebration. Here at Bluegrass Today we'd like to express our thankfulness for a great year of bluegrass music. 2008 gave us some incredible music. Below we've included a
Poll: Lord of the Fiddle-Face
Halloween seems an appropriate day to release out gallery of Fiddle Faces. Some of these were sent in from readers. A couple of them are my own entries from the original post. Take a look at all the Fiddle Faces and
Video on the blog
We had a lot of fun producing the Red Carpet videos from IBMA, along with all the other video interviews that we did. We've got some ideas for future video features here on the blog, but we thought we'd check
2008 Bluegrass Blog Awards Poll
Just for fun we decided to run an Awards Poll again this year. Like previous years, it mirrors the IBMA final ballot in structure and form. Five nominees in 17 categories. You may vote only once. We do require that you be a
Fuel and Festival Attendance
In mid April we ran a poll asking our readers if they anticipated attending fewer festivals this season due to rising fuel prices. We had just over 500 readers participate in that poll with 58% saying that they would attend