• Inch By Inch from Pam Gadd

    Pamm Gadd has a long history in bluegrass music as a player, singer, and songwriter. While many people's primary memory of Gadd was her time with Wild Rose in the late '80s and early '90s, she had been active in

  • Pam Gadd interview – part 2

    Here is the second part of our interview with Pam Gadd about her new CD, Benefit Of Doubt. In the first part of our discussion, Pam talked about her early exposure to bluegrass music, and how she chose the musicians

  • Pam Gadd – Benefit Of Doubt

    Pam Gadd has been a bluegrass trooper for more years than she may care to admit. As a youngster, she was drawn to the sound of the music at the festivals she attended with her family. She soon had a banjo