Kimberly Williams, owner and chief publicist with East Public Relations - certainly one of the most celebrated and effective publicity people in bluegrass - has announced that she is now also handling booking representation for Pitney Meyer. This is the
Kimberly Williams
Carolina Blue to East Public Relations
Carolina Blue, the five-piece traditional bluegrass group from Brevard, NC, have announced a new partnership with East Public Relations. The band has been together for 12 years now, but has really exploded this past few years since signing with Pinecastle Records.Their
The Most Beautiful Christmas Tree I Ever Had
As we savor the post-Christmas glow - or spend the day in the ring, as per Chris Jones - perhaps we have time for one more feel-good holiday story. This one comes from Kimberly Williams, proprietress of East Public Relations,
Earls of Leicester sez ‘The show must go on!’
This "power of bluegrass story" comes from Kimberly Williams, bluegrass publicist to the stars, about what she saw during this past weekend's Bluegrass On The Plains festival. Or should we say, a "no power of bluegrass story?" On Friday, June 3rd,
For The Record: Becky Buller #9
Once again, Stephen Mougin at Dark Shadow Recording has prevailed on one of his artists to retail tninthheir recording experience for us in blog form. This time, it’s Becky Buller who is working on her first solo project with the label. Here