IBMA 2007 Awards

The awards show is over, but IBMA continues. In an effort to contain the awards show live blog, so that it doesn’t overwhelm the main page, I’ve moved all those posts to their own special page.

You can now read the posts in chronological order starting at the top of the page and following along going down, as if you were at the show. This is reverse the normal blog posting order which places the newest post at the top of the page, but it seemed more logical to order things in this way for the live blog posts. At least after the fact.

Please visit this page, to experience our live blog of the 2007 IBMA Awards Show.

Good Night Folks

Well folks, that’s it for the night. Sam just closed the event out with some closing comments. The winners are back stage grinning, shaking, and hugging. The celebration will continue into the night I’m sure. As for us, we’re heading to the after party for some congratulations and photos, then the hotel room to sort through a bunch of photos of this evening and post them up for you to take a look at.

See ya later!

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