• Rattle & Roar preview from The Earls

    This Friday's release of Rattle & Roar from The Earls of Leicester is among the most eagerly anticipated albums of 2016 to date in the bluegrass and acoustic music world. Their success since first appearing in 2013 has surprised a

  • Rattle & Roar coming from The Earls

    The Earls of Leicester, headed up by Jerry Douglas, will continue their romp through the music of Flatt & Scruggs with a second album of classic songs in July. Rattle & Roar, like their self-titled debut, is a collection of numbers

  • Flatt & Scruggs mural at Bluegrass Island

    Work continues on the Bluegrass Island store in Manteo, NC ahead of its scheduled opening on March 1. Located across the road from the site where the annual Bluegrass Island festival is located on the beach, the store will serve as

  • On this Day #38 – Flatt & Scruggs

    On this Day … On Saturday, April 11, 1953, Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys (Curly Seckler, Benny Martin, bass player unknown, but may have been Red Murphy) performed at the Mosque Theatre in Richmond, Virginia, along with

  • Sandy Ridge School – bluegrass since 1948

    Those who grew up in rural areas know the importance that the local school played in the community. In many cases it had the only auditorium of any size, and would typically host civic meetings, entertainment offerings, and even political events for local

  • Earls of Leicester in Nashville

    When the Earls of Leicester stopped for a show at The Station Inn in Nashville, Shelly Swanger was there to capture the moment. The band is a special project group that Jerry Douglas put together as a tribute to the music of

  • On This Day #36 – Don Law

    On This Day …… On December 20, 1982, Don Law, producer, died in La Marque, Galvaston, Texas. Don Law was the producer of some exceptional recordings by stellar bluegrass acts Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys and Jim

  • On This Day #35 – Flatt & Scruggs

    On This Day ….. On October 24, 1951, Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs recorded 'Tis Sweet to Be Remembered and Earl's Breakdown. During an afternoon session at the Castle Studio set up at The Tulane Hotel, 206 8th Avenue North, Nashville, Flatt