• The Hardest Part of Leaving

    Pert Near Sandstone has announced an April 15 release for their next album, The Hardest Part of Leaving. The Minnesota-based outfit plans to make it available on CD, 180g vinyl, and digital download though their own label, Pert Near Music. Nate Sipe

  • Saturday DelFest update

    We've just enjoyed back-to-back sets by Trampled by Turtles and the Emmit-Nershi Band. If the Turtles got paid by the note they could retire...that is some blazing bluegrass. Emmit-Nershi is an interesting marriage of bluegrass royalty, Drew Emmit of Leftover Salmon

  • Nershi-Law tour begins this weekend

    Bill Nershi, he of String Cheese Incident fame, is embarking on a whirlwind tour along with Scott Law, starting on Monday (11/16) in Nashville. They'll do 9 dates in 10 days covering Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and

  • As The Crow Flies from SFTRB

    The second album from the Songs From The Road Band, As The Crow Flies, in now available online. The band is a side-project for members of several bands based in North Carolina, the brainchild of Charles Humphrey III, bass player

  • Songs From The Road II sneek peek

    Songs From The Road is a loosely-knit side project band that features members of such noted touring acts as Steep Canyon Rangers, The Emmit Nershi Band, Shannon Whitworth and the Refugees, Larry Keel and Natural Bridge, Town Mountain, Super Grit