New Alecia Nugent CD available

We mentioned last week in The GrassCast episode #17 that Alecia Nugent’s sophomore release for Rounder Records, A Little Girl…A Big Four-Lane was set to hit the street on February 28, 2006. Alecia discussed in her GrassCast interview (listen online) that she would be cruising the high seas when the CD hit the streets, but that she was eager to see it released.

The new CD was produced by Carl Jackson, who has been instrumental in Alecia’s success, and features guest performances from Alison Krauss, Rebecca Lynn Howard, Doyle Lawson, Rob Ickes and Cia Cherryholmes.

No audio up yet on either Rounder’s or Alecia’s web sites, but that will surely be added shortly. We’ll update when we find some audio.

Episode #17 – Alecia Nugent and The Lovell Sisters

Episode #17 of The GrassCast features two interviews. The first is with singer Alecia Nugent. We talk about her new CD A Little Girl…A Big Four Lane. The second interview is with The Lovell Sisters. We talk with all three sisters about their CD as well as their journey to bluegrass.

This GrassCast is 13 minutes in length and the file download size is 12MB.

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IBMA Emerging Artist Of The Year Nominees for 2005

Award for a group or individual, new to the national bluegrass scene, which has made considerable advances artistically and/or commercially during the eligibility period. The band or individual should be performing under its/his/her name on a regular basis and not have more than two previous finalist nominations for this award. (Award to each group member or individual):

The nominees for Emerging Artist Of The Year for 2005 are:

Audie Blaylock & Redline
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web site bio audio
The Grascals
web site bio audio
Alecia Nugent
web site bio audio
Williams & Clark Expedition
web site bio audio

Review past recipients of this award.

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