Wernick Method Bluegrass Jamming Camp
Taught by Ron Perry
Wednesday, July 25 1:00-4:00pm
Thursday, July 26 9:00-11:00am
Friday, July 27 9:00-11:00am
Sodus, NY Brantling Bluegrass Festival
Tuition $70 in advance, $75 onsite
Single session (pay onsite): Wed $35, Thu $25, Fri $25
All bluegrass instruments welcome
No jamming experience necessary
You will be jamming the first class!
Friendly, encouraging, knowledgeable teaching.
Mistakes allowed!
Singing not required, but encouraged and taught.
Easy 2- and 3-chord songs, slow speeds.
Soloing not required! “Faking” solos taught.
Do you qualify? It’s easier than you may think!
If you play guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass, or dobro… you can be part of a bluegrass jam.
Only requirements:
You must be able to tune your instrument (electronic tuning devices welcome) and change smoothly between G, C, D, and A. (Fiddles and basses need to know which notes work with which chords)
The sooner you sign up, the sooner you’ll receive the student study materials for the camp. Click on ‘Tickets’ above.
Ron Perry plays mandolin in the Linabelle Bluegrass band and sings lead and harmony. He has also played acoustic and electric guitar in praise bands, acoustic bass in a performing old-time fiddle club, electric bass in Oldies rock and roll bands, and lead electric guitar in blues bands. Ron offers individual lessons for new students of guitar and mandolin. Ron has been a fine arts instructor in continuing education programs in local school districts and served several years as Adjunct Faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Design, Rochester NY.
Wednesday, Jul. 25 - Friday, Jul. 27
Wed. Jul. 25th: 1pm - 4pm
Thu. Jul. 26th: 9am - 11am
Fri. Jul. 27th: 9am - 11am
Sodus, NY – WM Bluegrass Jam Camp with Ron Perry – begins 7/25/18
4015 Fish Farm Road
Sodus, New York, 14551Cost: