Murphy Method Women’s Banjo Camp

Join us for our sixth Murphy Method Women’s Banjo Camp, July 27-29, 2018, in Winchester, Virginia. Why an all-women banjo camp? Because we want to do a women’s camp. We want to reach out to more women who play and get them playing together. Very few women come to our other camps and we want to create a unique event with an inclusive atmosphere where everyone will feel comfortable.

Our first five Women’s Banjo Camps were a rousing success! Everyone left in a state of euphoria, including the instructors: Murphy and Casey Henry. The after-hours jamming lasted till midnight and was a source of many hilarious stories the next day. The harmony singing workshop was a huge hit and was praised by all. We will be offering that again this year. The vibe during the entire weekend was electric, with women, from ages 12 to 75, bonding, sharing, supporting, laughing, and–best of all–playing and singing their hearts out!

We will take a maximum of 22 students. Murphy and Casey will focus on making you a better, more well-rounded banjo player. There will be lots and lots of playing. And while we have said this is a camp for all levels of banjo playing women, we do have some minimum pre-requisites:

Banjo In the Hollow

Boil Them Cabbage Down, low break and high break

Cripple Creek (all three are on New Beginning Banjo 1)

Know your F shape vamp chord (also taught on New Beginning Banjo 1 as well as on Vamping: Beginning Banjo Backup. You do NOT need to know the D shape.) Be able to play the G, C, and D chords in the F shape and move between them smoothly. This takes months to get down. You want to start early on this one!

We make our camps ones that WE would want to attend! Accordingly, the accommodations will be a private room at the Courtyard Marriott in Winchester. Our camp classes and activities will be held right at the hotel, and you will have access to the classrooms after hours for jamming.

Courtyard Marriott Winchester Medical Center
300 Marriott Drive
Winchester, VA 22603
T 540-678-8822

If you have any questions at all or need more information please feel free to email Casey at