Dick Bowden’s Flying Circus returns to HVBA concert series for an evening of aerial bluegrass derring-do. Colonel Buff-Orpington will command a group of mostly veteran traditional bluegrassers, with one new recruit on 5 string banjo. The Drill Instructor assures the Colonel that banjoist Eric Praline will pull his weight. Also appearing, the ever-popular Ms. Two-Lumps from Regimental HQ on bass fiddle; palindromic photographer Norman O. Namron on mandolin; Chief Pharmacist’s Mate Ophelia Feelgood R.N. (and that means Royal Navy, not Registered Nurse) on fiddle, and the Colonel leading the way with his guitar.
Friday, Oct. 26
Fri. Oct. 26th: 7:30pm - 10pm
Dick Bowden’s Flying Circus, for Hudson Valley Bluegrass Association
67 South Randolph Ave
Unitarian Fellowship
Poughkeepsie, New York, 12601Cost: