Austin’s Fiddle Heaven
Austin Scelzo hosts a wintertime retreat for fiddlers or fiddle music lovers that will include instruction on bluegrass, country, and roots styles. Instruction will include: How to back up a singer, How to play over chord changes, Grooving on the fiddle, Bluegrass solo transcriptions and more! The weekend will also include jamming with a focus on popular bluegrass, country and old time tunes.
March 22-24 , 2024
Pompano Beach, Florida at The Fiddlershop
-Jam with friends
-Improve your Groove
-Learn Classic Bluegrass Licks
-Build your Jam Skills
-Chopping and Shuffling Tips
-Chase the warm weather
-Visit the famous Fiddlershop
-Spend an afternoon on the beach
-And Much More!
$195 before Jan 1
$225 after Jan 1
Friday, Mar. 22
Fri. Mar. 22nd:
Physical Event:
Austin’s Fiddle heaven – Camp2703 Gateway Dr
Pompano Beach, Florida, 33069Cost: