The New Jersey Folk Festival focuses primarily on traditional indigenous, multicultural folk forms and artists from and residing in and around New Jersey. Traditional indigenous folk artists are carriers of folk tradition that are accurate and respectful in depicting folk culture; carriers of folk tradition are those who grew up in the tradition in which they perform or create and who learned their art within their family or community as part of daily life. Usually, but not exclusively, these tradition bearers do not earn a living from their art. At our Festival, we have an annual heritage theme which focuses on folk music, crafts and other traditions of a specific ethnic, cultural or regional heritage found within our state.
The Festival is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization of the State of New Jersey and supported by the Department of American Studies, modest county or state arts grants, student organizational donations, corporate and business sponsors, as well as by the fees paid by our food and craft vendors. The vendor fees are our largest sources of revenue. Several goods and services are also donated by local business and civic organizations.
Saturday, Apr. 28
Sat. Apr. 28th: 10am - 6pm
191 Ryders Lane
New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901Cost: