• Bureau of Uninteresting Stories

    While in England recently, I was looking through the local newspaper and came across the headline “County gets new non-emergency number.” I was immediately comforted to know that the boring headline, followed by the even more boring story, isn’t just

  • Blue Yodel #36 – The Inertia Awards

    Inertia: (noun) The resistance of any object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change. Wikipedia, p. 39,537,435. Further evidence of an IBMA conspiracy to promote bluegrass came to

  • Show contracts for Dummies

    Bluegrass musicians, and musical artists in general, often fall into a category of people who have a hard time with the bureaucratic and organizational side of the music business. Heck, some artists have a hard enough time just getting themselves dressed in

  • Dropping names for fun and profit

    Jim Lauderdale (I call him “Jim”) does a characteristically hilarious name-dropping bit on stage, which often involves the names of semi-famous government officials, e.g. Madeline Albright. I paraphrase: “I was just talking to Condoleeza Rice on the phone, and she

  • What your capo says about you

    Our friend Zach White has sent along another clever graphic he devised, picking up on a theme originated by Caroline Melby of Nash Street.   Zach said that anyone who wants to dispute these characterizations can catch him with Nash Street at the Full