Peasall Sisters all grown up

The Peasall Sisters - 2011The Peasall Sisters were thrust into the spotlight when they contributed to the soundtrack for the popular movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, providing the singing voices of George Clooney’s daughters, the Wharvey Girls, in 2000. That was 10 years ago and the girls have grown up. This year, they again contribute to the soundtrack for a Coen Brothers’ film, True Grit.

It seems their career has come full circle and an announcement on their website says they’ve decided to move on to other things, no longer taking books as The Peasall Sisters.

“The Opportunity of a Lifetime is only good for the Lifetime of the Opportunity.”

We have been blessed to sing at many events over the last 10 years.
Thank you to all who have been our faithful fans.
When we began traveling the girls were 6, 9 & 12. They’ve grown up.
We always told the girls that we weren’t the Osmonds or the Jacksons and they were always free to follow their own dreams and callings.

That time has come. The Peasall Sisters will only take bookings through May of 2011.
If you ever wanted to have us at your event, festival, church or party, you’d better hurry.

Sarah, the oldest of the three, is now 23, Hannah 20, and Leah 17. We don’t know what’s in store for these young ladies, but we’re sure they’ll still be found in and around music for years to come. For a taste of their vocal harmony’s, here’s the trailer for True Grit. The background tune is the sisters singing Where No One Stands Alone.